Derivatives Brokerage

We use smarter, tech-led derivatives broking tools, to help our customers offset their risk in a highly volatile freight market.

Our physical and derivatives brokers work in tandem to help you achieve both short-term gains and long-term stability.

Market-Disrupting Technology

Braemar Screen is the first bespoke trading tool for Forward Freight Agreement derivatives trading, providing more granular, up-to-date pricing data across multiple dry cargo vessel categories.

Increased Speed

This platform gives our brokers the ability to advise clients on how to respond quickly and confidently in the shipping market.

Clear Information

Our cutting-edge technology allows us to present data in a structured and digestible format, making it easy and intuitive for our clients to trade and place deals.

Quick Communication

Clients can place orders on-screen, increasing the speed of communication between you and our brokers.

Real-Time Insight

Our dry cargo desk brokers use real-time information to update clients on expected future pricing trends in the dry bulk futures market.


Our tech platform now covers the LPG, LNG, Oil, and Chemicals desks.

Talk to one of our derivatives specialists today.